Epicor, Weyerhaeuser, and ProSales logos

The online version of the ProSales 100 list is sponsored by Epicor and by Weyerhaeuser.

The ProSales 100 consists of the nation's 100-biggest pro-oriented building material distributors. It's based primarily on information that the companies listed below have sent us and is supplemented by publicly available information. Keeping true to our name, the ProSales 100 rankings are based on the dollar volume of sales to professional contractors.

You might notice hotlinks when you survey the top 50 or so names on the list. Those links take you to new pages we have created that provides background information on those companies. These are brand-new links, and we are still in the process of updating some of the information, so please be patient as we bring them up to date.

Want a downloadable version of this list? Click here.

See also our analysis of the 2018 PS100 numbers, plus a roundup of all charts and company features.

Questions, comments? Contact editor-in-chief Craig Webb.

Note: The "S" in the type code stands for a specialty dealer, such as a company that sells mainly roofing or drywall but not lumber. "M" stands for a lumberyard with manufacturing capabilities, such as a truss plant or door shop. "L" stands for a lumberyard without a manufacturing facility.