Green Standards

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USGBC's Vote on Wood-Cert Standards To Start Oct. 25

The U.S. Green Building Council will begin collecting votes Oct. 25 on proposed language that would set standards on which groups' wood certification schemes will qualify for points in the USGBC's LEED program recognizing green construction. Ballots will be accepted until Nov. 23, and the council expects shortly afterward to announce results that are just about certain to displease several key groups that have fought for years over this issue. More

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Natural Pick

Concrete and clay tile roofing have long been favorites in the Sunbelt region for... More

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USGBC Ponders Who'll Get Right To Vote in Wood Certification Fight

Being fair can be particularly tricky when you're an organization that prides itself on being open and democratic. More

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Are Forestry Groups Talking to the Wrong People?

A coalition led by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative has put more effort into persuading Congress, statehouses, and the public over the USGBC's wood-certification rules than it has in reaching the USGBC members who will vote on issue. On the other hand, USGBC's murky voting rules don't give SFI much choice. Analysis by ProSales editor Craig Webb. More

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FSC-US, SFI Keep Recruiting Forces To Fight USGBC's Wood Cert Plan

The two key groups battling over a U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) proposal governing which wood certification schemes would qualify under the LEED green rating system stepped up their recruiting campaigns, once again attacking USGBC's plan from opposing sides. More

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USGBC Tries Anew To Draft Wood Certification Rules; Critics Still Hate It

The U.S. Green Building Council requested comment recently on a fourth draft of its proposed scheme to determine which forest certification schemes would qualify for points under its LEED system, and three of its sharpest critics already have declared--again, for sharply different reasons--that they don't like it. More

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Subfloors are typically viewed as a commodity, and regardless of whether they're... More

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Arkansas Congressmen Press USGBC Over Wood Certification Rules

Opening a new front in the long-running fight over green-certified wood, three members of Arkansas' Congressional delegation urged the president and CEO of the U.S. Green Building Council to accept wood certified by other systems besides the Forest Stewardship Council as being eligible for points under the LEED rating system. More

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Wood Groups Dislike USGBC's 3rd Try To Write Rules on LEED Points

The two major green certification groups for lumber are continuing to attack--for much different reasons--the U.S. Green Building Council's third attempt to create a system by which multiple wood certification schemes would qualify for points under the LEED rating system. More

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ProBuild To Open Sites in Utah, Virginia

ProBuild Holdings will open new locations in Orem, Utah, and Winchester, Va., the nation's biggest LBM operation announced. More

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