Through the partnership, the organizations will help repair homes in for... More
Kim Coleman, former co-owner and president of Hamilton Building Supply, has been named general manager and chief operating officer of Philadelphia Reserve Supply Co., a distributor serving the mid-Atlantic region. More
Just because your company name is on a building in a community doesn't mean you... More
When we put the call out for nominations several months ago for the ProSales' annual Public Service Leader award, our hotline to take in responses was chilly and silent. It became apparent that with tough times come tough choices. Proud dealers with mission statements that always included giving back were no longer able to do so with the same resolve. Dealers we contacted as possible Public Service Leaders turned down the offer to be recognized, citing the downturn in their staff levels. More
A few months ago, a group of dealers approached me about developing a seminar on managing the next generation of workers. I have to admit I was not 100% sold on the idea. Not that I wasn't interested: I've done enough research to know that the housing industry will change more in the next decade than it has in the past three as baby boomers retire and millennials, now in their teens and 20s, start buying homes. It's not that I don't think the topic is important, either. Attracting young talent is the most pressing long-range challenge dealers face. More
Western Michigan-based Zeeland Lumber and Supply Co. and Hamilton Farm Bureau's lumber division announced Dec. 30 that they will merge, in effect adding a truss operation to Zeeland Lumber's capabilities. More
Roper Brothers Lumber Co., Petersburg, Va., has helped raised more than $680,000... More
Good news makes for boring stories, journalists say. But when you consider the contributions of time and money that this year's ProSales Public Service Leaders ("Community Champions," page 43) have made to their communities, I think you'll agree these are tales worth telling. Our biggest regret was that senior editor Andy Carlo couldn't give the same attention to the many other worthy LBM executives that you nominated for recognition. More
Rand Thomas' successful public service strategies enable Thomas Building Center to... More