Housing affordability is the highest priority, and the organization will work with... More
If the vision becomes reality, President Donald Trump’s executive orders will... More
The chance to work from home (even in LBM) can be a boon for employees and boost productivity. Here's how a handful of dealers are keeping their teams connected to the system regardless of where they're working. More
Great reps generate positive energy to help generate great sales. More
Tom Wolf, CEO of York, Penn.-based Wolf Organization, is seriously considering launching a Democratic bid for the Keystone State's highest office. More
Homeownership, a recovery of the housing market, and pro-business policies will lead the national policy agenda for the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association during 2012, the association announced. More
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is making it clear to the drivers of commercial vehicles: Hang up or pay up. More
Starting on Jan. 3, drivers of commercial vehicles will face fines of $2,750 for using their cell phones while driving, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced on Nov. 23. The rule comes from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration divisions and is the latest attempt by the federal government to end distracted driving. More
The Environmental Protection Agency intends to study whether it needs to address potential health risks of two chemicals found in spray polyurethane foam and used in compounds that seal concrete and finish floors. More