Most builders rely on a few go-to window brands that deliver good results with few to no callbacks. With this in mind, I contacted about a dozen major window manufacturers to ask how they are positioning their brands as a high-quality one that dealers and builders can trust, what they consider the biggest challenges to delivering that quality, and what they predict for the next few years.

Five companies made time to speak on these subjects. While it’s not a comprehensive poll, consider it a sampling of what the industry is working on.

Robo Glazing

Many manufacturers, including MI Windows as shown here, are beginning to invest in robotic equipment for glass manufacturing lines in order to reduce human error.
Courtesy of MI Windows Many manufacturers, including MI Windows as shown here, are beginning to invest in robotic equipment for glass manufacturing lines in order to reduce human error.

Robotic manufacturing is old news in a lot of industries, but apparently not so much for insulated glass units (IGUs). “In most glass manufacturing lines, the spacers are still installed by hand,” says Tony Matter with MI Windows.

But when workers handle the glass, there’s a chance that fingerprints or other contaminants could interfere with edge seal adhesion and raise the chance of failure. “That’s why we are investing in robotic equipment that removes the human element from the problematic parts of the process,” says Matter.

MI isn’t alone in targeting human error. “We’ve done studies showing that glass is less likely to fail if it’s made in an automated way,” says Chad Martinez with Milgard, which also uses IGUs from automated manufacturing lines.

Cooler, Drier Frames
Manufacturers have worked hard to enhance the quality of vinyl frames, which according to a 2013 study by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association represent 68% of the residential window market. Areas of improvement include energy efficiency, drainage, and temperature resistance.

Water is of course a major concern. “Water is a window’s worst enemy, so we have designed more sophisticated weeping systems,” says Martinez. “Most of our frames are multi-chambered, so if water gets in one it won’t into another.”

When it comes to climate, customer demand for dark color options has led to the use of heat-reflective paint and internal venting to keep frames cooler in hot weather. “We vent all painted products with relief holes that let heat escape before it can build up,” says Matter. His company can now offer black vinyl frames, which would have been problematic a few years ago.

Manufacturers also continue to experiment with new frame materials. For instance, the frames in Kolbe’s Forgent series, introduced at this year’s International Builders Show, are a hybrid of fiberglass and a UV-stable polymer. “This makes the joint weldable,” says Kolbe’s Lance Premeau, “which also makes it stronger and more stable.”

Frames are also being engineered to reduce installation errors. According to Premeau, those welded joints keep the window square and eliminate the need for shims. Andersen Windows claims the same benefit by making the nailing flange integral with the vinyl cladding. “It keeps the window structurally sound so that it’s square out of the box,” says Andersen’s Jon Phelps.

Ongoing Challenges
When asked what technical challenges they are facing, manufacturers mentioned a variety of issues, from impact and sound resistance to new demands on hardware. For instance, consumer demand for more glass area, along with code requirements for lower U-factors, has resulted in larger, thicker, and heavier IGUs. Frame profiles have to be made stronger, and hardware for operable sashes may need different balance systems.

The popularity of large window assemblies is leading some manufacturers to take a second look at their installation procedures. “Because frames are so narrow compared to the glass area, there may be structural steel needed between the units,” says Premeau.

Code Demands
Codes and standards are the main drivers of window technology. The code manufacturers seem most concerned with is Title 24, Part 6 of California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards that, among other things, is raising the bar for window efficiency with tighter U-factor and SHGC numbers.

The part of Title 24 that raises the most questions is the goal of having all new homes meet a Net Zero energy use goal by 2019. However, according to Michael Hodgson of ConSol, a Stockton, Calif., energy consulting firm, it’s not a mandate, at least not yet. “It’s a policy goal,” he says.

As for standards, the voluntary standard most window manufacturers have embraced is the EPA’s Energy Star program. At this writing, a proposed budget by the Trump administration would, if passed, cut finding for that program. But the competitive advantage it brings, and the resources manufacturers have put into meeting Energy Star requirements, means that they would likely take up the reins and continue the program. “I believe the big players would keep it going,” predicts Phelps.

The Future
When asked about what they saw on the horizon, our sources predicted more material combinations and more technology enhancements. “You’re going to see more combinations of different material types,” says Premeau.

One thing on everyone’s mind was dynamic glazing. The industry has been waiting for an affordable product for years, but people seem optimistic that it’s not too far away. “We’re still at the beginning stages,” says ProVia’s Phil Wengerd. “I would be pretty surprised if, five years from now, we didn’t have some cost-effective dynamic glazing options available.”