While the state of the market is depressing, it's always uplifting to see outstanding new products. We got such a boost reviewing this year's Editors' Choice picks: the 26 products that impressed us the most–and are most likely to increase your sales–out of the thousands of items we saw this past year. Among their stellar qualities:

A slew of tools that made it into the winners' circle stood out for their safety features. From a product with low-vibration technology to devices that help keep saw blades away from hands, these items that protect workers from injury deserve recognition.
More Bang for the Buck
Other products offer features that set them apart and make them more convenient to users. For example, Kwikset's SmartKey locking technology lets users re-key a lock in less than 30 seconds without removing it from the door. And a sheet of Custom Building Product's fiber-cement backerboard weighs just 6 pounds, while competitive products can weigh as much as 45 pounds.
High Design
Sometimes homeowners simply want a product that looks good and fits trends. A new look in manufactured stone siding could catch their eyes, as well as a product that can bring nature into their kitchens.
Environmentally Friendly
A multitude of new products aims to help Mother Earth. We sifted through them to pick the ones that could fit well into your business.
Whether these products make it into your warehouse or just serve as inspiration, they are proof that the building industry will continue to forge ahead, no matter what the housing statistics say.