Oldcastle’s Beonstone collection of attached stone veneers is a system of versatile, durable, and easy-to-install panels, according to the manufacturer. The Beonstone collection delivers the thickness and look of natural stone while also being cost-effective and easier to install. It has an integrated drainage system, allowing panels to be installed directly onto standard framed walls while maintaining moisture management. Panels can be installed by a set-and-screw method, eliminating the need for specialized labor for mortar and grout application, according to Oldcastle. The panels are available in four natural stone aesthetics and six colors. beonstone.com

Johns Mansville’s AP Foil-Faced Polyiso Foam Sheathing is a versatile solution for interior and exterior walls, ceilings, and crawlspaces, according to the manufacturer, providing continuous insulation for efficiency. The manufacturer says the system offers a high R-value per inch and features a reflective foil facer on one side and a nonreflective facer on the other, with a polyiso foam core that provides moisture, heat, and air control. jm.com

TAMKO TW Seam Tape is designed for taping sheathing joints and seams on roof decks to help prevent water from entering homes. The tape is a flexible, self-adhering SBS-modified bitumen membrane with a polymer film on the surface and a removable treated release film on the adhesive side. It comes in 4-inch rolls, with each roll covering 61 linear feet, according to the manufacturer. tamko.com

Western Window Systems’ Series 3700 Vinyl Multi-Slide Door offers a flexible floating sill and fits into most standard 2x6 openings. Two nail fin setback options are built in. A separate snap-in interlock can be applied after installation to block unwanted air and light. The door panels are low-E, dual-pane, argon-filled glass. The floating sill track adapts to a variety of flooring substrates. westernwindowsystems.com

Benjamin Obdyke released UV-rated InvisiWrap UV, HydroFlash UV+, and Batten UV (pictured) for use behind open-joint claddings with openings of up to 2 inches. InvisiWrap UV is a water-repellent, unprinted, black, nonwoven housewrap. Seams and penetrations are sealed with self-adhered flashing HydroFlash UV+. Batten UV creates a 3/8-inch rainscreen gap for drainage and drying. benjaminobdyke.com

Polyglass USA’s Polystick MU-X self-adhered, high-temperature roofing underlayment has been redesigned with an enhanced black polypropylene film, which improves walkability and reduces bleed-through, according to the manufacturer. Polystick MU-X has an SBS-modified bitumen upper compound and an ADESO dual compound on the bottom. A split release facilitates application. It has a 90-day exposure window. polyglass.us