Master Mind

Master Mind

It All Adds Up: The extra work that Leonard Safrit puts into compiling and analyzing data combines with his decades of experience and concern for people to make Safrit's Building Supply of Beaufort, N.C., and its affiliates the 2013 ProSales Dealer of the Year.

Master Mind

Master Mind

Shop Wardens: Rick Fenn (left) manages Jacksonville Builder's Supply, Dave LeRoy (center) is corporate sales manager, and Alice Ellis (right) recently came on as executive assistant involved in a number of personnel and human resources projects.

Master Mind

Ray Grice (left) is commodities buyer for Safrit's and its affiliates while Raena Matthews (center) manages the companies' central distribution facility. Bobby Austin (right) serves as COO and VP of operations, particularly logistics. They're shown at the central dispatching operation of Cedar Point, NC.

Master Mind

Boat People: The area just offshore from Safrit's Building Supply is a sport fisher's haven, so it made sense to build a showroom sales desk that resembles the stern of a boat. Fred Lund (left) recently came aboard as EVP, while Sue Vaughn (center) just retired after 22 years as credit manager. The boat/desk was the brainchild of Matt Hawkins (right), Beaufort store manager.

Master Mind

Master Mind

Central Casting: The operation at Cedar Point serves as the sole dispatching unit for Safrit's three-store system and the place from which most of the commodities are shipped.

Master Mind

Moving Crew: Ray Grice (left) is commodities buyer for Safrit's and its affiliates while Raena Matthews (center) manages the companies' central distribution facility. Bobby Austin (right) serves as COO and VP of operations, particularly logistics.

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