jim sobeck

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Jim Sobeck: Eight Ways To Ruin Your Sales Career

It's easier to fail in business than it is to succeed. Here's how to avoid getting in your own way. More

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E-mail as a Prospecting Tool? Some LBM Experts Think So

In an industry with a knack for forging relationships face-to-face, it seems unlikely that sales reps would turn to e-mail as a prospecting tool. Yet some LBM experts sees an uptick in the platform's use. More

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Industry Pros' Twitter Feeds That You Should Follow

ProSales compiled a list of go-to sources for real-time industry conversations. More

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The 17 Most Common Marketing Mistakes

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that marketing and sales are the same thing, Jim Sobeck warns. This veteran LBM exec subscribes to the notion that marketing is everything you do before and after the sale. What should that include? Sobeck lists 17 common marketing mistakes that dealers make. More

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