Southern Pine Inspection Bureau

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ALSC Approves New Southern Pine Design Values

The American Lumber Standard Committee Thursday approved the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau's design value changes for all visually graded Southern Pine dimension lumber, setting June 1, 2013 as the new standards' implementation date. More

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Proposed Southern Pine Design Values Resubmitted

The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) Thursday resubmitted proposed design values for all grades and sizes of visually graded Southern Pine dimension lumber to the American Lumber Standard Committee (ALSC). More

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Delay in Southern Pine Design Values Decision Pushes Off Likely Impact Until Next Summer

If precedent and the calendar hold, the Oct. 18 delay in consideration of new design values for visually graded Southern pine could mean that mills and consumers won't have to deal with the effects of any changes until July 2013 or even later. More

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Expanded, Updated Design Values for Southern Pine Proposed

The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau handed over to the American Lumber Standard Committee expanded and updated design values for visually graded Southern pine. More

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New Data Suggests More Southern Pine Design Value Changes Coming

Early analysis of recently completed testing of Southern pine select structural grade lumber suggests that Southern pine design value changes may expand beyond visually graded No. 2 2x4s. More

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Southern Pine Design Value Changes Take Effect

New design values for Southern pine take effect today, ending the almost six month phase-in period and marking the first design value changes to Southern pine in two decades. The changes reduce by 25% to 30% some of the design values, but not all, for Southern pine and mixed Southern pine. More

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ALSC Approves Inclusion of Dense Wood in Design Value Changes

The American Lumber Standard Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review approved the inclusion of dense wood as part of the Southern pine design value changes set to take effect on June 1. The committee, a quasi-governmental agency that sets grading and quality standards for all lumber used in residential construction, made the decision during its March 9 meeting. More

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SPIB Includes No.2 Dense Lumber in Design Value Data

The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau further refined the specifics of its design value reductions to include No. 2 dense wood, which it originally planned to eliminate as a category in a request submitted to the American Lumber Standard Committee's Board of Review. More

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SFPA Suggests Individual Approach to Design Value Implementation

Southern pine users should plot their own course when implementing the new design value reductions in Southern pine 2x4s, the Southern Forest Products Association said. More

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