The company operates nine Florida locations, including two truss manufacturing... More
FBMA panel with 216 years of combined experience compiles its must-do list. More
Ask two of Florida's most experienced lumberyard executives to name one of their biggest challenges in the coming year and both will give you the same answer: lowballing competitors. More
A panel of Florida LBM experts described a turbulent present and moribund future for the Sunshine State's construction supply industry. They decried price-slashing competitors, fretted over the economy, castigated the federal government, and predicted it could take anywhere from nine to 36 months before conditions in the state show marked improvement. More
Silly red tape imposed by banks and foolish practices by appraisers are choking builders and thus hurting your business, veteran CEO executive Don Magruder says. One example: Appraisers who won't increase the value of a house because of the upgraded amenities that builders put in it. More