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USGBC's Pilot Test Renews Tussle Over Which Lumber Qualifies for Green Building Programs

SFI, ATFS, and PEFC-certified wood all could join FSC in qualifying for LEED points More

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FSC Wants Another Vote on Wood-Cert Benchmark

Following a U.S. Green Building Council vote that failed to pass a wood-certification benchmark, the Forest Stewardship Council's U.S. chapter has urged the council to continue to strive for a benchmark by sending out a revised ballot. More

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Proposed USGBC Wood-Certification Benchmarks Fail To Win Enough Support

Proposed benchmark standards to determine when a wood-certification group would have its certification qualify for points in the LEED rating system failed to win the required two-thirds approval from a special group of U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) members. The 55% "yes" to 42% "no" vote represents the rejection of several years' worth of work by a USGBC committee and guarantees even more fighting over one of green construction's most bitterly debated issues. More

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