OSHA released its annual report on workplaces with the highest injury and illness rates earlier this year. The report, or “Hit List,” lists the names of employers, excluding those in the 26 state plan states and territories, with higher than national average work-place injury and illness rates based on data reported by 80,000 employers in different industries. On the list are a variety of work-places under federal OSHA jurisdiction that reported seven or more injuries or illnesses resulting in “days away from work, restricted work activity, or job transfer”(DART) for every 100 full-time workers. The latest list consists of about 13,000 employers, many of which are various locations from a single parent company. Unfortunately, LBM dealers were not absent this year, contributing to 122 employers on the list. The dealers on the list ranged from national chains (44 employers), to large regional chains (15), to smaller independents (63).

One purpose of the list is to encourage employers to improve their safety programs by seeking compliance assistance. The other purpose is for OSHA's yearly site-specific targeting (SST) plan for unannounced comprehensive safety and health inspections. This year, OSHA announced it intends to target a primary list of approximately 4,000 workplaces with a reported 15-day or more DART rate or a “days away from work injury and illness” (DAFWII) rate of 10 or more full-time workers per 100. A secondary list for possible inspection will include employers with DART rates between 8 and 15 or DAFWII rates of between 4 and 10. The number of target workplaces actually inspected varies depending on the state. Those companies on the Hit List are obviously more likely to receive an inspection and should make sure they are in compliance with regulations, are prepared for an inspection, and seek help where necessary. Also, companies that are not listed or do not meet the stated criteria should remember that OSHA inspections are not limited to the Hit List (which is available at www.osha.gov) or the SST.

For information on the products and services NLBMDA offers to help your company meet OSHA requirements and prepare for inspections, contact T.J. Cantwell, director, regulatory and industry affairs, at 800.634.8645 or [email protected].