NLBMDA is proud to announce the launch of BuildtheVote.org! Created in partnership with the BIPAC Prosperity Project, a program to educate and motivate employees to participate in campaigns and elections, this new advocacy action center provides resources and tools you can use to quickly and easily get up to speed on the hot policy issues of the day, contact your elected officials, register to vote, find your polling place on Election Day, and so much more.
BuildtheVote.org will provide comprehensive coverage of congressional action on NLBMDA priority issues and Action Alerts to keep you apprised of the latest news from Capitol Hill. Visit the “Your Elected Officials” page to find information on your federal, state, and local elected officials, as well as your senators' and representatives' voting records on top NLBMDA issues for the building supply industry. As Election Day approaches, use BuildtheVote.org to find your state's primary date, and specific information and forms for absentee and early voting.
NLBMDA Risk Management Forum, May 18, 2006, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in Chicago. E-mail
[email protected] for more information.
To register to vote, simply select the “Register & Vote” tab and submit your ZIP code to easily find all the information you need to take part in the highly volatile 2006 elections. Information about the Lumber Dealers' Political Action Committee (LuDPAC) is also available on this new Web site.
BuildtheVote.org provides you with useful information and allows you to take ownership of it through interactive tools such as games that test your knowledge of the nation's lawmakers and letters that you can personalize and send directly to your members of Congress.
Discover all the resources available to you by pointing your browser to www.buildthevote.org today! If you have any feedback to share, please contact NLBMDA legislative assistant Laura Levitan at [email protected] or call 800.634.8645. —Colleen Rocha Levine is director of legislative affairs and LuDPAC for NLBMDA.
The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association represents more than 8,000 lumber and building material companies with more than 400,000 employees, 20 state and regional associations, and the industry's leading manufacturers and service providers. NLBMDA's member companies are the suppliers of builders in every state across the U.S. www.dealer.org.
The opinions expressed in NLBMDA Briefings are that of NLBMDA and may not represent that of PROSALES.