NLBMDA's government relations team asked lumber dealers to share their stories of frivolous lawsuits as a part of our push to pass the Innocent Sellers Fairness Act. Through NLBMDA's partnership with the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, two dealers were featured in the "Faces of Lawsuit Abuse" public awareness campaign. Randy Baumgarten of Lee Lumber and Building Materials in Chicago and Jerry Lightfoot of Orange County Building Materials in Vidor, Texas, shared their experiences in ads that are running on national media networks. View their stories at www.iamlawsuitabuse.org/stories. These ads have had a significant effect in raising the profile of the Innocent Sellers Fairness Act in Washington. NLBMDA continues to seek stories to help us illustrate the impact of lawsuit abuse as we call on legislators. If you have experienced a lawsuit over products you sold, please complete our brief questionnaire on the ISFA Action Center at www.BuildtheVote.org. When sharing stories, we will not identify your company without your permission. We will give lawmakers your real-life examples of how these lawsuits hurt small businesses as we argue the need for passage of the Innocent Sellers Fairness Act.