Dealers whose software provider was taken over by what now is known as Epicor have learned there’s a difference between supporting that legacy software and actively working on improvements to it. For those who worry that Epicor’s acquisition last month of Solarsoft Business Systems would mean that the days of upgrades are over for Solarsoft’s Progressive Solutions system, Steve Bieszczat has a message: Never fear.

To the contrary, Epicor plans to put Progressive Solutions’ bisTrack system on an equal level with its Catalyst and Eagle programs, Bieszczat, Epicor’s senior marketing manager, told ProSales. That’s because bisTrack is written with Microsoft programming language. In contrast, both Catalyst and Eagle are Linux-based. Thus, bisTrack gives Epicor an alternative to sell should a dealer reject the Linux options.

Epicor sales reps “will have all the products in their bag—Catalyst, bisTrack, and Eagle,” Bieszczat says. “They’ll be able to sell Eagle to the smaller operations and Catalyst and bisTrack to the larger operations.”