1) Top 10 Signs Your Business May Be Closing
Don Magruder tells how to avoid being caught unawares when the padlocks get put on the front doors. – By Don Magruder

2) Reckless Pricing Behavior
A veteran dealer's opinion on why cut-rate pricing is bad pricing. – By Don Magruder

3) Eve of Destruction
Capital shortages and the supply chain's slow disintegration make it likely even more dealers will die. – By Don Magruder

4) Pricing by OSB Mills Is Opportunistic
Greed and sinister pricing techniques have jacked up the price of OSB, making it even tougher for dealers to recover in a tough market. – By Wally Roderick

5) Forced Negotiations
Beware builders who welch on their commitments and try to force you to cut your sales price. – By Don Magruder

6) How To Buy Lumber Today
The lumber market has changed, but that doesn't mean you should change your buying style. – By Wally Roderick

7) Lead Rule Delayed? Not So Fast.
An attorney looks more closely at the EPA's recent lead rule memo and comes away troubled. – By D.S. Berenson

8) Buyer Challenges Forecast That Lumber Prices Will Fall
Allied Building Products exec questions underlying assumptions in timber economist's prediction. – By ProSales Editors

9) Rader's Edge: 10 Ways To Win in 2010
Ideas, strategies, and common sense designed to boost profits and enthuse your customers. – By Chris Rader

10) Jim Sobeck's Layoff Tips
A veteran manager's advice on how to let people go the right away. #x2013; By Jim Sobeck