Changed Lives I liked your comments about “Unsung Heroes” (October 2005, page 14) and here is why: You took a very conservative, low-key approach to a very emotional topic that has changed the lives of people along the Gulf Coast. I like that you interviewed Joe Elder, a veteran in Louisiana. Posting his comments about not being singled-out were appropriate and well-positioned. The real heroes are those in the salvage and rebuilding efforts and not the individuals looking for praise. People like Joe would rather go unnoticed, but will do anything to extend a well-needed hand. You handled this on a professional level presenting a clear message.
It is all about people who have done what is right by opening their homes and hearts to the displaced citizens. It is about the people providing hope and materials that will help others rebuild communities.
I recently attended a Professional Speakers meeting in Baton Rouge, since New Orleans no longer has facilities. Instead of having discussions about speaking, we gathered tables around the room and spoke about how the storm has changed our lives. I felt like we were a sports team that had lost a van of players because so many people in the group could not attend, now living in different parts of the country as a result of the storm.
Lisa, every month you are setting the stage for the publication. By changing the topics each month, and keeping the message fast and simple, you are appealing to the readers that dive in for their monthly fertilization of the mind.
Chris Rader, President Rader
Solutions, Lafayette, La.
Non-Wood–Trim Update In the September 2005 edition of PROSALES, your Product Monitor section (“Fringe Benefits,” page 87) highlighted composite trim. While I was happy to see an editorial on this topic, your readers were not given the complete picture of how the growth in non-wood trim started and where it stands today.
The editorial gave the impression that these products are new, unproven, untested, and unfamiliar to the market. It alluded to the fact that this product is accepted only in the Eastern region of the country and needs to be sold to the dealer channel as a specialty or niche product. This misperception could be due to the fact that many of the manufacturers you chose to quote have less than 24 months worth of experience in these products. As such they have neither the experience nor scale to service the category as anything other than a regional or niche product. To not include commentary from the market leader, AZEK, with more than 70 percent share in a rapidly growing category, would be akin to a publishing a market report of pro dealer magazines that did not include commentary from PROSALES. The net result is an inaccurate snapshot of the changes in the trim category.
I appreciate the opportunity to provide some additional background information about the non-wood–trim category. AZEK Trimboards, on the market since 1999, uses a technology called free foam cellular PVC. This process is technically difficult and requires years of extrusion experience and blending expertise. AZEK's parent company has been manufacturing free foam cellular PVC since 1987 for the marine and signage industries.
Recent market studies confirm that AZEK is the unquestioned brand leader in the trim category. AZEK is a mainstream product, not a niche or specialty product, replacing wood in many non–load bearing applications. The market concurs. In 2006 more than 500 dealer yards will be purchasing AZEK in full truck load or half truck load quantities.