In its just-issued 2016 National Policy Agenda, the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) highlighted its opposition to the Department of Labor’s proposed changes to an employee’s eligibility for overtime pay.

The changes would raise the exemption for overtime pay from a minimum annual pay of $23,660 to a minimum annual pay of $47,892. In its agenda, issued last week the NLBMDA argues that the Department of Labor “does not take into consideration regional variations in wages and cost of living” nor does it “take into consideration the variations in compensation in various geographic regions and industry sectors.”

Other issues highlighted in the agenda include the NLBMDA’s belief that building codes from the Department of Energy be “cost-effective” and NLMBDA’s opposition of the expansion of joint employer status.

The agenda will be distributed to members of Congress and relevant Administrative officials for review. NLBMDA members will also use this agenda when they speak with their representatives while attending the Spring Meeting and Legislative Conference. The conference will take place in Washington, D.C. from April 18-20, 2016.