McCoy’s Building Supply appointed new store managers at branches in Hobbs, N.M., and Corpus Christi, Texas. Moses Sambrano will serve as the manager in Hobbs, N.M., and Mike Wauson will manage the Corpus Christi branch.

Sambrano joined the dealer in 2014 as part of the yard crew and quickly earned a promotion to yard leader. He enrolled in McCoy’s management development program in 2017 and became assistant manager in Hobbs upon completion of the program.

“I’ve really enjoyed watching Moses grow as a leader over the past five years. He’s always been passionate about the Hobbs market and its people,” regional manager Kevin McKeown said in a prepared statement. “I’m excited for the impact he’s going to be able to make managing the store.”

Wauson is a 28-year veteran at San Marcos, Texas-based McCoy’s Building Supply. He began his career in Eagle Pass, Texas, as a yard employee before moving inside to the sales floor. Wauson first served in a management position as the assistant manager in Rosenberg, Texas, in the early 1990s. Wauson has served as the assistant manager and manager at McCoy’s stores in El Paso and Del Rio. For the past nine years, Wauson has served as the store manager at McCoy’s Eagle Pass, Texas, branch.

“Mike made significant contributions to the Eagle Pass store during his years there and left behind a great legacy. I’m so excited to welcome him to the coast and to work alongside him,” regional manager Matt Ramos said in a public statement.

McCoy’s Building Supply operates more than 90 locations with full-service lumberyards in Arkansas, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The dealer ranked 12th on the 2019 ProSales 100, generating $884.4 million in sales during 2018.