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In the past two weeks, new COVID-19 cases have spiked across a number of states, including Arizona, Texas, Florida, and California. State and local leaders are urging residents to stay at home and wear masks, and a number of businesses that have recently reopened are shuttering, either preemptively or due to staff testing positive.

“We have to weigh our options,” says Ali Wolf, chief economist at Meyers Research, regarding the "animosity" around wearing a mask in this week's COVID-19 Update Webinar. “Shutting down the economy again because of an increase in hospitalizations will be destructive. I don’t want to sell that short. In some cases that will be impossible to recover from. … So wearing a mask is really hands down the best option we have for the economy right now, because we have to remember that the only reason the economy is slow is because of COVID-19. Our unemployment rate was 3.5% back in February. And getting past this is our best way to see normalcy again.”

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