June 2010 Table of Contents

Practicing Self-Control Practicing Self-Control

Building a successful company requires more than just bringing together good people and products. Read more

Waking the Deadbeat Waking the Deadbeat

Reminder stickers. Wrap-around agreements. Extra-early lien notices. Complaints to licensing boards. Even a round of golf. Building material dealers nationwide employ a wide variety of techniques to make certain they get paid, notwihstanding today's housing slump. Read more

Mind the Gap Mind the Gap

The consequences of framing errors rarely are catastrophic--unless you define catastrophe as a trail of unhappy customers. Read more

EPA's Lead Paint Rule EPA's Lead Paint Rule

One out of four building material dealers responding to a survey last month on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) just-enacted rule on lead-based paint say remodelers and renovators have canceled work on a project because they lack the certification needed under the new rule. Read more

Yard Notables
We're All Recovering, But Not at the Same Speed We're All Recovering, But Not at the Same Speed

Next time you see a headline in which economists say the housing market's recovery is under way, put an asterisk next to it. Read more

Deals Shake Up Top Ranks of ProSales 100 List Deals Shake Up Top Ranks of ProSales 100 List

Spring was a hotbed of deals and acquisitions among dealers, including arguably the most significant transactions since ProBuild's creation in 2006. Read more

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