Mark Scott has been on both sides of the fence. Through the 1980s, the owner of Mark IV Builders in Bethesda, Md., built custom spec homes; for most of the past 15 years, his focus has been high-end residential remodeling. Read more
Just three years ago, the father-and-son ownership team of Joseph K. Beckman and Joseph W. Beckman scoffed at the idea that they needed a human resources manager for Lumberplus, their Crown Point, Ind. Read more
As big builders expand across the country, they need suppliers that can deliver consistent market-to-market products and service. Pro dealers fit that bill locally, and some are tapping into builders' regional needs. But at what cost? Read more
2005 NLBMDA Excellence in Human Resources Award winners, Indiana's Limeberry Lumber and Lumberplus, recognize that success hinges not only on your people, but on how you leverage the power and personalities of those people. Read more
One topic that often arises during any discussion of installed sales is insurance coverage: How much does your company need, what types should you have, and how do you control it? Read more
Will the housing bubble burst or won't it? One thing is certain: Everyone has an opinion. Read more