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Now Available: Details from ProSales' Survey on Credit Cards and Payment Speeds
Poll shows big split among dealers in practices and performance
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Why You Shouldn't Worry about Losing Customers by Refusing Credit Cards
Not only is that unlikely, BlueTarp's Scott Simpson says, even if you lose a few...
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ProSales Survey Reveals Big Gap in Dealers' Late-Pay Experiences
Some firms see big problems getting bills and fees paid; for others, hardly any
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Credit Cards Bedevil Dealers, But Few Refuse Them, ProSales Poll Finds
Survey reveals surge in card use and uncertainty over how to fight back
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Thea's Mailbag: When Should You Roll the Dice on a Customer?
Asking these questions will help you decide
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Thea’s Mailbag: The Great Credit Card Debate, Part 2
The rules are complicated. There’s no easy answer. But you will need to set policy...
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If You’re Going to Be Your Customer’s Bank, Act Like It
To get your customers to pay off their debts in a timely manner, you may want to rethink your accounts receivable policies
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Thea's Mailbag: Why You Shouldn't Fear the Joint Check
First, protect your company's interests with a strong joint check agreement. From...
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Thea's Mailbag: Why You Shouldn't Process Your Own Liens
Use a service instead to help assure you don't get tripped up
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Five Money-Saving Health Insurance Tips to Maximize Your Benefits
Navigating the health insurance marketplace can be overwhelming. Take these steps to keep it manageable.