Webster’s Dictionary describes the idiom “You can't teach an old dog new tricks,” to mean a person who is old or is used to doing things in a certain way cannot learn or does not want to learn a new way. You often hear similar expressions when people in this industry are being discussed. Having just turned 60 years of age myself, I will refrain from using the word “old” and replace it with “experienced.” Experienced salespeople are pretty set in their ways, and not really interested in working any other way. They’ve been doing this a long time, pretty much know everything, and wish you’d just stay out of their way and let them work. To be sure, there are many experienced salespeople who take on certain characteristics of the above-described idiom. Allow me to introduce you to “Bill,” the polar opposite of that sentiment.
While in Tampa, Fla., a couple of weeks ago, speaking to a group of contractors at an event hosted for ABC Supply, I met “Bill.” He arrived early and sat down in the front row, which is usually the last row to fill up. From the very beginning of the program, he was engaged, provided comments, and shared some insights. At a break, Bill approached me and shared that he was really was enjoying the presentation. I thanked him for sharing and mentioned that sometimes in this business, more experienced individuals will shy away from these learning opportunities. He replied, “I’m 84 years old and always trying to learn new ways to do things, or tips I can use to be more effective in my work.” He explained that the words I encouraged them to use more often in sales interactions resonated with him. He even showed me a text from earlier that morning with a customer looking for his use of the words and thinking how he could incorporate them more effectively. Bill had worked in multiple industries in his career and owned a couple of different businesses. He said he didn’t need to work, and didn’t really need the money, but he loves helping people. I was blown away by Bill.
You could tell by Bill’s actions that he was sincere in what he shared. He could have spent that morning doing anything he wanted, but instead, he chose to attend a sales training event, sit in the front row, engage, and share insights. At the end of the session, I overheard Bill, and another participant talking. This other gentleman was “experienced,” but not quite as “experienced” as Bill. They were discussing shared experiences, staying active, and continuing to learn.
What Bill really has is a curiosity about people, how things work, and how he can be better today than he was yesterday. Curiosity can help you build better connections with others, and it just makes life more fun!! So, no matter how “experienced” you may be, you can still learn some new tricks. Not sure what I’ll be doing at age 84 but hope I can still attack life like Bill. Happy Selling!!