2012 ProSales 100
Single-family custom and spec builders continue to be the largest market for the ProSales 100, accounting for 30% of sales, but that’s four points lower than last year and eight less than in 2006. Homeowners figured in 11% of sales, the first double-digit number for that segment in a decade.
2012 ProSales 100 Articles
- ProSales 100 by the Numbers, 2002-2011
- ProSales 100 by Customer Source
- ProSales 100 by Type
- Top Companies by Sales Per Employee & Per Yard
- Members' Relative Clout by Business Emphasis
- Members Expect Good Times to Come
- Companies' Technology Plans
- Top Percentage Rises and Falls Among 2012 ProSales 100 Companies
- Dealers' Component-Making Activities
- Profiles: ProBuild
- Profiles: Tibbetts Lumber
- Profiles: Matheus Lumber
- Profiles: SRS Acquisition
- Profiles: Graber Post Building
- Profiles: Gutherie Lumber