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Comparisons can be tough when you compare the 2017 ProSales 100's performance with what previous groups did over the PS100's 25-year history. But by several measures, the 2017 group's performance looks to be the best ever.

The $49.36 billion in total sales for 2016 is the biggest number ever in nominal terms, though after adjusting for inflation the 2005 and 2006 numbers are a bit better. But a decade ago we had 2.1 million new-home starts in a year; in 2016, it was about 1.1 million. In terms of real revenue per start, the 2017 ProSales 100 dealers were 64% more efficient, and in real revenue per employee, 2017's group was 15% better than how dealers did in 2005.

We've created lots of ways for you to view the report:

View an interactive version online or download a PDF version of the list. Both require you tell us a bit about yourself before you get to the list page.
May 31 Editor's Note: Due to an error on our part, the original printed version of the ProSales 100 listings contains an incorrect amount for pro sales for Parr Lumber. After correcting that error, Parr moves from 20th place into 17th place on the list. More. The interactive and PDF versions above have been corrected.

Read our analysis of the numbers

Editorial: What a Chicago Cubs fan can teach you about this year's numbers

Get these charts and tables:* Dealers' revenue by source
* How rises and falls in housing starts relate to the PS100's sales performance
* ProSales 100 companies' total sales, 2002-2016
* Top 10 dealers sorted by size of firm
* Top firms ranked by sales per facility and sales per employee
* Top firms ranked by sales percentage increases/decreases and employee count increases/decreases
* Who's Next? The 101st to 115th ranked companies

Read profiles about these companies:* 84 Lumber
* NorCal Lumber
* Homewood Building Supply
* U.S. Fence Solutions

Read who was on 1992's original ProSales 100 list and what happened to them.

Review the ProSales 100's top 10 through the years.

Read how the ProSales 100's No. 1 companies compare