2012 ProSales 100
Dealers are confident that things are looking up in the LBM industry. Unlike last year’s survey, virtually no dealers expect declines in any market segments. That optimism is fueled in part by recent performance. Compared with two years ago, when only 10 dealers reported sales gains, 72 of the 2012 ProSales 100 members saw revenue increases this time.
2012 ProSales 100 Articles
- ProSales 100 by the Numbers, 2002-2011
- ProSales 100 by Customer Source
- ProSales 100 by Type
- Top Companies by Sales Per Employee & Per Yard
- Members' Relative Clout by Business Emphasis
- Members Expect Good Times to Come
- Companies' Technology Plans
- Top Percentage Rises and Falls Among 2012 ProSales 100 Companies
- Dealers' Component-Making Activities
- Profiles: ProBuild
- Profiles: Tibbetts Lumber
- Profiles: Matheus Lumber
- Profiles: SRS Acquisition
- Profiles: Graber Post Building
- Profiles: Gutherie Lumber