At a special breakfast during the 2004 International Builders' Show in Las Vegas, PROSALES honored the five dealer winners and three honorable mention winners of the 2003 Excellence Awards. Pictured: Top row, left to right: Louis Kaitz and Suzi Kaitz, National Lumber, Showroom Design; editor Lisa Clift; Jan Lehman and Chad Zimmerman, Standale Lumber, HR/Employee Betterment; Rich Cortese and Ed Quinn, TW Perry, Marketing/Customer Service & IT/E-Commerce Initiative; Bill Hayward, Hayward, Honorable Mention Showroom Design. Bottom row, left to right: Nick Massengill, Robert Bowden Inc., Honorable Mention HR/Employee Betterment; Gary Bowman, TW Perry; Charlie Babb, Raymond Building Supply, Overall Yard/Manufacturing Facility Design; John Kusmierz and Tom Young, California Building Specialties, Installed Sales Program.