Company Information


6-02 Fair Lawn AvenueP.O. Box 1040
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone:  201-796-2082


Douglas R. Kuiken, President Thomas Tubridy, Controller


2013 Gross Sales: $136.0 million 
2012 Gross Sales : $116.0 million 
2013 Professional Sales: $127.8 million 
Percentage of 2013 Sales Made to Professional Customers: 94% 
Number of Locations as of Jan. 1, 2014: 8 
Total Number of Locations as of Jan. 1, 2013: 9 
Total Number of Employees: 252 
Total Number of Outside Sales Reps.:  15 
Primary Business Function: Pro dealer without manufacturing capabilities 
Avg. Sales Per Location: $17.0 million

Year Pro Sales (millions) Pro Sales Percentage of Total Sales Total Sales (millions) Year Over Year Change in Total Sales Total Number of Yards Number of Employees Number of Outside Sales Personnel ProSales 100 Ranking
2013 $127.8 94% $136.0 17% 9 252 15 35
2012 $108.8 94% $115.7 15% 9 241 15 34
2011 $93.9 94% $99.9 4% 9 230 13 33
2010 $90.4 93% $97.2 6% 9 227 13 32