.Burton Lumber is a family-owned building materials dealer with seven locations and more than 300 employees throughout Utah/ The company's business charter dates back to 1911.


Company Information


1170 South 4400 WestSalt Lake City, UT 84104
Phone: 801-952-3700  

Website: burtonlumber.com


Dan Burton, President  Mark Burton, Director of Operations


2013 Gross Sales: $115.0 million 
2012 Gross Sales : $92.0 million 
2013 Professional Sales: $113.9 million 
Percentage of 2013 Sales Made to Professional Customers: 99% 
Number of Locations as of Jan. 1, 2014: 7 
Total Number of Locations as of Jan. 1, 2013: 7 
Total Number of Employees: 375 
Total Number of Outside Sales Reps.:  19 
Primary Business Function: Pro dealer with manufacturing capabilities 
Avg. Sales Per Location: $16.4 million

Year Pro Sales (millions) Pro Sales Percentage of Total Sales Total Sales (millions) Year Over Year Change in Total Sales Total Number of Yards Number of Employees Number of Outside Sales Personnel ProSales 100 Ranking
2013 $113.9 99% $115.0 25% 7 375 19 38
2012 $87.4 95% $92.0 30% 7 330 18 42
2011 $70.3 99% $71.0 3% 6 270 22 45
2010 $6.0 80% $7.5 -27% 3 45 13 100
2009 $86.4 90% $96.0 -1.0% 10 283 29 35
2008 $90.3 95% $95.1 -11.4% 7 323 22 42
2007 $150.4 97% $155.0 -13.4% 7 428 25 28
2006 $169.1 95% $178.0 4.7% 6 422 26 34
2005 $166.6 98% $170.0 7.7% 6 425 34 40
2004 $157.8 98% $161.0 36% 6 427 32 38