Brian McCauley is the owner of The Sales Guy, a training and consulting company that helps people find greater success in sales. He is also Director of Sales Training for Atrium and Simonton Windows and Doors, both part of the Cornerstone Building Brands family. Brian has trained thousands of people nationwide and speaks from coast to coast with a focus on sales improvement. Contact Brian at [email protected] or 502-409-1816.
Brian McCauley shares four things successful salespeople have in common.
Brian McCauley shares three attributes that struggling salespeople tend to have in common.
Favorites include the advice to ‘quit selling to happy people’ and the question ‘can our desire to be liked hold us back?’
Brian McCauley suggests an alternative approach to bidding and quoting during sales meetings with happy people.
Brian McCauley outlines the importance of silencing negative internal thoughts and avoiding assumptions that can negatively impact your sales success.